for specific conditions and disease through cellular nutrition.

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FiberTein & VeggieTein
Mix 2-3 tsp. of VeggieTein paste with 2-3 tsp. of VeggieCream and eat before breakfast

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includes all vitamins and minerals your body needs each day for optimum health. Food Creams help to restore the proper balance of intestinal flora which will inhibit the growth of unwanted bacterias and other pathosynthetic organisms thaty might upset the gastrointestinal tract - and your bloodstream!
see: The Food Cream Book
(part of our 3 recipe books option)
Flax Seeds  
promotes cardiovascular and colon health, boosts immunity.
see: Feel Well For Life Guide - Book I
(Part of the Getting Started plan)

reduce bad cholesterol that clogs your arteries. High quality protein.
see: Feel Well For Life Guide - Book I
(Part of the Getting Started p


Sesame Seeds,
Sunflower Seeds,
Broccoli seeds,
Celery seeds,
Red Clover Seeds

protein from seeds and vegetable seeds contain monounsaturated fat that may protect your heart and brain from toxins and your bloodstream from becoming clogged. Removes free-radicals from your body.
see: Feel Well For Life Guide - Book I
(part of our Getting Started plan)
Wheat Germ
includes Vitamin E and Vitamin B which removes free radicals that leads to arteriosclerosis.
see: Feel Well For Life Guide - Book I
(Part of the Getting Started plan)

How does the build-up of toxins affect the brain, heart and body?
Since the colon pushes excess toxins into the circulatory system, it has a
direct affect on the heart and brain. In the United States for instance, the
results are seen through the high number of heart attacks and strokes. Toxins
in the body create an abnormal build-up of calcium and cholesterol known
as plaque build-up. The plaque can lead to Arteriosclerosis the direct link to
strokes and Peripheral Arteriole Disease where plaque builds up in the arms
and legs, eventually leading to osteoporosis.