for specific conditions and disease through cellular nutrition.

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Mix 2-3 tsp. of paste with 2-3 tsp. VeggieCream and eat before each meal.

Suggested Products:
• Getting Started - Order
• The Food Cream Book - Order
• Marinated Salad Book - Order

• Food Support Supplements - Order
• Feel Well for Life Guide - Book I - Order

toxin chart
Fibers – flax seeds,
wheat bran, oat
bran, wheat germ
and rice bran
help to absorb and flush out debris from the colon.
Almonds and sunflower seeds are the best source of protein that can easily breakdown into peptides preventing toxic accumulation in the colon.
Almonds and
Sunflower Seeds
are the best source of protein that can easily breakdown into peptides preventing toxic accumulation in the colon.
Sesame Seeds  
calcium found in sesame seeds prevents colon cancer.
To control constipation you must take care of your colon, for options on how to effectively clean your colon see Feel Well For Life Guide - Book I

VeggieCream Taken Daily
The gastrointestinal tract must be able to absorb and assimilate fairly well in order to receive herbal nutrients because they are very hard to digest for most people. VeggieCream contains extremely powerful vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants from a variety of (green) plants. VeggieCream works to metabolize, absorb and remove toxins and fatty deposits from the blood stream. Cell Pure-Foods, Food Support Supplements and VeggieCream, working together, is the most effective and efficient detoxification and rejuvenation concept available anywhere. Many conditions may be improved with these daily additions.

Food Support Supplements

Veg-Essence™ • Pro-Oxessence™ • Dig-Essence™ • Lacto-Essence™

Food Support Supplements contain more concentrated vegetable nutrients, enzymes, anti-oxidants and lactobacillus bacteria, which creates a powerful system to clean up and normalize the entire gastrointestinal tract. These supplements work inside the tract while Cell-Pure Foods work from the outside. The result is much better absorption and assimilation of foods and more increased energy and vitality. Food Support Supplements Taken Daily
Cell-Pure-Food opens the door to the cells, Food Support Supplements clean up from the inside of the intestines . . .
Cell-Pure Foods can begin to improve the cells of the intestinal walls and begin
to remove some of the accumulations there, but more is needed to clean up the
intestinal walls from the inside.

Cell-Pure Food & Food Support Supplements have made significant progress in cleaning up and rebuilding the cells and the intestinal wall. Now the gastrointestinal tract can benefit from VeggieCream. VeggieCream will provide very powerful nutrients to clean up the blood stream and detoxify and rebuild the cells of the intestinal walls even more.