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Mix 2-3 tsp. of paste with 2-3 tsp. VeggieCream and eat before going to bed.

Suggested Products:
• Getting Started - Order
• The Food Cream Book - Order
• Marinated Salad Book - Order

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• Feel Well for Life Guide - Book I - Order

toxin chart
Poppy Seeds
have components that relax the brain.
The Proteins
and Fibers
are also easily digested and at the same time provide all the nutrients that the body requires to stay at rest during the night. We have to keep food in the stomach all night to rest easy, not heavy food but light food such as the fibers and protein fouund in FiberTein, VeggieTein and VeggieCream.
Sesame Seeds  
contain tryptophan that resores normal sleep pattern
Peptites Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain L-tryptophan, and for this reason it will relax you before going to bed.